White Day Gifts

Though it was yesterday, I must admit that life hasn’t been the greatest lately. Life has been a pile up of bad luck lately, and for some reason it all decided to accumulate around the same time. It’s a mystery as to how it even got to the point that it did. In short, it’s been a while since I could genuinely smile at work…

Japanese Gift Giving
Though people aim to give gifts on the day of, some may find it convenient to give it a day either before or after. Yesterday, I was more than happy to receive the sweet gifts of kindness from my staff members. Everyone was really nice, but today was the ultimate – blown out of the water, I know how to make you smile, gift. Walking into work, I could only imagine how it’s another day that will take forever to passover. Headed over to my desk and was totally taken by surprise. One of my teachers, (whose crazy about Gundam) assembled a model, and gifted it to me with chocolates!

Best White Day Gift

The chocolates didn’t even matter, though I love Godiva, nothing compares to Gundam! Feeling so happy, I made my way to his desk to thank him – and then I did the unimaginable that is second nature to Westerners. I hugged him. Boom! My teacher blushed and hugged back!
A head teachers saw, smiled and laughed. It’s definitely something the Japanese DON’T do, especially at work. But I’m Canadian – and that’s how we roll!

Thank you for making my day^^ sensei.

White Day

While Valentine’s Day was the gift receiving day for males, White Day (March 14) is the female-receiving counterpart. All guys who received a gift, should return the gesture on this special day.

Gifts usually come as chocolates, or sweets. Either way, it’s part of Japanese culture that guys spend more money on the gifts to girls. My coworker joked with me, that girls can go cheap on the guy’s gift – but not vice versa. “It’s for their sense of pride if they know what’s good for them”, my coworker smiled.

Happy White Day!