Softbank Hawks Baseball Game

This past weekend I went to my very first baseball game, thanks to my visiting friend. While I was never a fan of baseball, Fukuoka’s Softbank Hawks are one of the top teams. Living here it would be a sin to not see a game at least once.

Softbank Hawks baseball game

My friend secured tickets (Y1800), which were the cheapest and yet not bad. We were sitting in the outer field with the visiting team fans behind us. The game was Fukuoka Hawks against Saitama Lions.

Softbank Hawks baseball game
View from our seats.

We had a good view of the entire field, and all the hits. My first experience to witness a home-run hit was thanks to Alex Cabrera from Venezuela. Knocked it right out into the bleachers! Lucky fan whoever caught that ball. Thank you Cabrera!

Softbank Hawks baseball game
Alex Cabrera, Fukuoka Hawks.

On TV the game doesn’t seem that interesting, but being there in person was a completely different experience. The Japanese fans were hardcore! Playing music and cheering for each player that came up to bat. I highly commend the dedication in those fans because I’m sure no one back home would sing and cheer for 9 innings straight. Everyone would probably stop after the first inning or so.

From Hollywood, while I envisioned people coming around saying “Hotdogs! Get your hotdogs here!”, in Japan they were selling all the Japanese beer labels along with beer snacks, Coke products and Haagen Dazs ice cream.

Softbank Hawks baseball game
Haagen Dazs ice cream at baseball.

7th Inning Fun

I was a bit surprised that there were no breaks during the entire game. There was an entertaining break during the 7th inning, but as a spectator you wouldn’t want to leave your seat during this time either. Everyone was blowing up these long balloons, and thanks to my friend who was well-prepared, we joined in the fun as well!

Softbank Hawks baseball game
Fukuoka Hawks 7th Inning entertainment.

Toshiya Sugiuchi

This year’s ace pitcher is Toshiya Sugiuchi, #47. He managed to pitch and strike out almost every single player that stepped up to bat, I started to wonder if the players in the field were getting bored. The hits that did come their way seemed like a piece of cake to catch. Victory was well secured.

Toshiya Sugiuchi

Softbank Hawks fireworks

Hawks won 3:0 that game, which was celebrated with a very small and short firework display inside the stadium’s dome. Afterwards, the roof retracted to ventilate the fumes, which looked pretty cool.

Softbank Hawks baseball game
Indoor fireworks.
Softbank Hawks baseball game

Yahoo Dome’s retractable roof


Even into the end of the game fans were still chanting, singing and playing music. Similar to happy fans at a hockey game, it was good times all around. I guess I have a new sport to focus on and learn while I’m unable to access and watch hockey. That’s okay, good ol’ 1040 radio will still let me stream live from out here ^^.

Softbank Hawks baseball game
Fukuoka Yahoo Dome.