Dr. Kiss Fish

Over the weekend I did a day trip out to Yufuin to check out this place called “Dr. Kiss Fish”. Fish that exfoliate and eat dead skin cells off your feet, leaving it clean and smooth like a baby’s bottom. There’s another place in Hakone, that also has these Dr. Fish, but it was fun to go to it again.
This was my second time to Yufuin. The first time was last December for my birthday, but I wish I knew about this place then because the company would have been better. In comparison, the weather was rainy for both times, but the warm fall temperatures made it better.

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin
Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin

Dr. Kiss Fish

Entering the shop I first paid for my amount of time, removed my shoes and rinsed my feet. There were 3 wooden pools of fish of various sizes. Everyone sat together and migrated accordingly to their timer.

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin

The first pool was had the baby “Dr. Kiss Fish”. Their nibbles are gentle and have a tingling vibration which makes it a hilarious, tickling sensation. Don’t forget to spread the toes so they can get into those spaces, and try to keep them open! I was asked a couple times if I was okay because I had to hide my face from bursting into laughter.

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin
Baby Dr. Fish

The second pool had “medium” sized Dr. Kiss Fish. Their nibbles were gentle but it had a bit of an electric shock to it. A more stronger tingle than the baby fish, and somewhat ticklish.

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin
Medium Dr. Fish.

The third pool had the adult size version of the Dr. Kiss Fish! The surprising size of them were enough to make kids cry and adults exclaim in horror, ‘SCARY!!!’ When I first looked at them…I wasn’t even so sure if I wanted to stick my feet in. But it wasn’t so bad. They’re still very gentle, but their nibbles feel like someone with long nails gently scratching the surface of my skin. It was still scary to watch though.

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin
Adult Dr. Kiss Fish!! 

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin
Just don’t look…

Skin Exfoliating Fish at home!

Some of the Dr. Kiss Fish were held in tanks and advertised for sale starting at ¥3,000. As an omiyage (souvenir), you could take home your own fish and exfoliate at home. I’m not sure of the feeding protocol, but I’m sure that exfoliating while feeding it daily isn’t a bad thing ;).

Dr. Fish Shop, Yufuin

Dr. Fish for home!