Salsa Dancing In Fukuoka

My first Saturday-nightlife experience in Fukuoka! A friend took me over to TIEMPO in Tenjin (full name: Tiempo Iberoamericano). It’s a latin-learning culture school, specializing in all kinds of latin dancing, art and teaching Spanish.
(**2013 Update: They now offer belly dancing lessons!)

The class schedule varies throughout the week, but every Saturday night everyone is invited to come together for some dancing fun! Admission is ¥500, drinks (alcohol & non) and snacks are available to order at the bar.

Saturday Night Salsa

Similar to Robson Square Dance Series in Vancouver. Where Harbor Dance Studios teaches basic steps for free to the public, then the public gets to test it out. So much fun! Everyone was there to just dance and have a good time. It was a friendly atmosphere and most of the people there were students with the studio. There would be times of dancing, then surprise break outs from the instructors that would teach some new moves.

Never having danced Salsa before in my life, I was petrified through my wits. Hoping that I could go the whole night without being asked to dance. The closest dance I’ve learned that could come comparatively close to Salsa was Samba…and even then it was only a months worth of classes.


Great Dancers!

Everyone there was at various dance levels ranging from beginners to experts, so don’t worry about having two left feet ~ because I survived, and had the time of my life! In my many attempts to say in Japanese “No, I’m sorry I don’t know how!” One guy who seemed really pro took me out to the floor. First attempts to dance were embarrassing, so he patiently took me to the side and showed me the basic steps. When he saw that I got it we went back onto the floor.

Great dancers are said to be able to lead even the most inexperienced. I never knew how that was possible, and if that was even true. But I experienced it that night. He was a great teacher and led me pretty well though I spent most of my time looking down at my feet.

It was a lot of fun! I’m seriously considering this to be my new hobby, which is funny because originally I was intending to take up some sort of Japanese culture hobby.

Buenas noches!


Saturday Night Dancing @Tiempo Iberoamericano

Saturday Night Dancing @Tiempo Iberoamericano, Fukuoka