I Ate Fugu And LIVED! :D

I went out for dinner with my supervisor and her friend who is also a teacher from another school. We went into Tenjin and into this very stylish restaurant. Completely forgot the name but it was really cute. My supervisor has been going there since her university days, and really loves the place~I can tell why too~** 😀

Restaurant in Tenjin

Restaurant in Tenjin

Best of all, it was Happy Hour time!! Good food, and a nice little happy hour drink menu (alcoholic drinks for $1) if you buy 3 main dishes.

Restaurant in Tenjin

Ginger Wine – with a huge block of ice.
Ginger Wine: This can be drunk either on the rocks or with coke. Pretty good. It reminded me of this hot wine I had in Quebec, only this one is served cold. Delicate herb aroma and the taste was sweet & herby. Next time I’ll try with Coke.


Restaurant in Tenjin

Mango Rashu
– Mango yogurt slush, with real shredded mango, so yummy^^

Eating Fugu!

Blow fish. Probably the one thing I never really made a plan to try at any time I was in Japan. I do recall two years ago, how my friend Andy really wanted to try it…then we thought about how it would suck, being on vacation and being that “lucky” 1% that dies from Fugu poisoning.

Well I can now say that I’ve eaten Fugu and survived! 😀 I had it in tempura formation though, not sashimi. It was pretty much tasteless, but the restaurant matcha garlic seasoning made it taste really good. It’s a bit of a wet fish, and kind of reminds me of eating halibut…mmm…halibut.

However that’s in tempura style. I should try sashimi one day, if Andy’s voice doesn’t resonate in my head every time I consider it :P.

Eating Fugu
Tempura Fugu (Blow fish)