Huis Ten Bosch: New Years Eve Countdown

Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki. Sad to be one of the busiest places for New Years Eve in Japan. The illumination display attracts many people from all over Japan and internationally. All hotels are fully booked for this night, and reservations are made a year in advance. Attempting to book 2 months in advance was clearly too late. Luckily, for this night only some trains provided extra temporary services, allowing us and many other visitors, to leave in the early AM.

Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki
Getting off the train.

Huis Ten Bosch

Similar to Disneyland, many amusement houses and shows to look at, just no rides. Everything was beautifully lit with lights, and the buildings seemed to take after many different European styles. Nice and cutesy like Disneyland but not so cartoony.

Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki
Many amusement sights & houses.
From teddy bears, to pirate treasure hunts.

Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki

Massive teddy at the Teddy Bear Kingdom.


Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki

Entrance & exit paths are divided by a small river.
View of the exit path, from the entrance.

Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki

Dutch-style buildings.

Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki

Lookout Tower. That had a massive line up!


Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki
A chapel for weddings.

We went walking around, but the main thing I had to go check out was the Thriller Fantasy Museum, with a newly renovated museum dedicated to Michael Jackson. This area also had a light show going every 20 minutes or so.

Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki
Thriller Fantasy Museum is made up of different buildings,
all with different “thriller” amusement shows.


MJ World

Dedicated to Michael Jackson and filled with the coolest memorabilia any crazy fan would adore. A pillow case he slept on, a concert sweat towel, etc. all framed for the world to see. THE fedora hats used in filming the music video “Bad” and “Smooth Criminal”, both autographed by the King ^^. Sorry…no photography allowed. There was also a theatre in the back where you could watch a performance for 400 yen.
In the audience seating, there sits a life size MJ dressed doll mid-centre with the area roped off. This is where MJ sat when he visited.
Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki

New Years Countdown

There were a couple stages around, all with different performances. We headed to the main stage where most of the crowd was, and though it was cold everyone braved it out. Especially those who came out, and stayed out this whole time to be up front by the stage. We weaseled ourselves far into the center as we possibly could – our attempt to steal body heat from others…not so effective…

Optimized zoom, we were really farther back.

With less than 5 minutes to go before midnight the wind began howling like crazy, and then it began to snow! ‘Wow, everyone look it’s snowing!’ cried one of the MC’s on stage, wearing a bright yellow puffy ski jacket. Everyone began pulling up their hoods, tightening their scarves, and girls in mini skirts shrieked it was cold…
‘Sucks to be you hunny!‘ I thought as I snuggled into my hooded down jacket like an Eskimo.

Countdown in GO, SHI, SAN, NI, ICH – Happy New Year!!