Shoe Workshop, Japan

One of the coolest things about Japan that I really love is that I can really learn anything I want. Japan is one of the best places to pick up a new hobby for just about everything. It’s getting easier to find instructors, classes and workshops for almost anything! From flower arrangement, to glass-blowing to making your pwn pair of shoes.

My friend found 38Works, a leather shoe studio run by the cobbler, Miya-san. He hosts classes and workshops for making your own Moccasin shoes, sandals or boots from genuine leather.

Shoe Workshop, Finding a hobby in Japan

38Works Shoe Studio

38Works Shoe Workshop
I had visited the studio a day before to pick out my color and material. Depending on the choice of leather can also effect the workshop cost.

Soft suede (cow hide) is cheaper and easier to work with compared to tough leather (horse hide). The only difference is, suede has a tendency to stretch easily, while hard leather with retain its shape longer.

Shoe Workshop, Finding a hobby in Japan

I choose sea breeze soft suede, with grey string and tan colored sole

I choose to make Moccasin Shoes…
The Moccasin shoes are the easiest to do in a one day workshop. It takes on average 7-8 hours to complete it, sometimes  longer. For anyone planning to do a shoe-making workshop (anywhere, not just here), it would be best to start right when the shop opens and not to plan anything else that day.

Shoe Workshop, Finding a hobby in Japan

Samples of what guests can make.

Going in prior to the worshop to select the material will also make the workshop go faster. That way, Miya-san can prepare the measurements and cut-outs. Then the only thing that I needed to do was put it together!


I’m making shoes!!

My shoes are coming along pretty nicely! I now have gained a new respect for shoe-makers.

Shoe Workshop, Finding a hobby in Japan

My new hobby in Japan!

New Moccasin,  made in Japan…
Totally loving my new shoes! Just in time for summer!! And yes, you can embroider something on the sole of your shoe. These babies are officially mine 😀

Shoe Workshop, Finding a hobby in Japan

Made by me, engraved with my personal signature 🙂

Shoe Workshop, Finding a hobby in Japan

Ta-DA!!!! Look out Jimmy Choooo!!

Miya-san of 38Works Studio…
Miya-san is awesome! He’ll demostrate for a bit, then let me at it. Each time I finished a process he’d look it over, make any necessary adjustments. He doesn’t speak any English,  and while a lot can be interpreted through action,  it would be best to have some knowledge of Japanese, or a translator.
Thank you Miya-san!

Shoe Workshop, Finding a hobby in Japan

Instructor: Miya-san from 38Works


For more studio info check out the Facebook page:

Jiufen Taipei

One of my favorite day trips from Taipei, but can be full of insane tourist groups. It’s said that this is where Director Miyazaki got his idea for the Ghibli Studio film, Spirited Away! After walking around (ignoring the crowds), I could see it really well.

jiufen taiwan

Jiufen side street. It was a cloudy day but still nice in the area.

When to go…
Taiwan tends to open later. As in most shops and resaturants wont open until 11am or noon at earliest. I reccommend leaving Taipei city around 9 or 10am if you can. This will help to avoid the bus load of tourists. Food will be fresh and it will be easier to walk leisurely down the narrow passages.


How to get to Jiufen
There are two options, bus or taxi/private taxi that try to nab you at the bus stop.

The bus is 100NT one way, takes a little over an hour and barely makes stops.

The private taxi will charge 200NT to start, and will sell it at a 45 minute ride. Don’t let them fool you saying that the bus will take 2hrs. The bus really isn’t baf if you have time to kill to take the scenic route. If you’re pressed for time then consider the taxi. But know that sometimes those taxi buses will loop back around if they can pick up more people.

What to do in Jiufen
They have a few temples around, with amazing colors! Even on a cloudy day we could see them.



But Jiufen is really known for its tea. Find a nice tea house if you have time to relax. It can be a really nice hideaway from the crowds or escape from the weather.


How to Asian Tea Time
The way of tea between Taiwanese and Chinese culture are almost similar.  You pay by the choice and type of tea. The tea house will then prepare a container of tea leaves for the customers, usually accompanied with a small cookie snack.


They will do the first pour to show you how to properly make the tea.
From the pot you can reuse the first scoop several times before the leaves are finished.


If you don’t finish all the leaves, which you probably won’t…they’ll doggie-bag the rest of the leftovers.

There’s no time limit, as tea time is a traditional practice for relaxation and leisurely conversation. You could easily spend hours in there.
