Relieve Mosquito Bites

While it can be hot in South East Asia, the evenings can be comfortable and enjoyable. The comfortable temperature is also the time when bugs come out, especially mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes love me, no matter how hard I try I can never protect myself enough. While making my way around Thailand I learned how to fight off the bug itch and it made my trip a lot more enjoyable.

Relieve Mosquito Bites, Thailand

I was tipped off by a friend I made during my time in Thailand. When he saw my legs covered in bites he recommended me this ointment: (See picture below…)

Relieve Mosquito Bites

Mosquito Bite ointment found in any drug or convenience store.

It’s great to combat and soothe any itching bug bites, especially for mosquito bites. This small disk is a cooling cream is cheap and can be found in any drug store or convenience store.  I forgot how much I paid, but for Thai Baht it’s pretty much pennies compared to the Western dollar.

Inside the creme looks green, but applies clear on the skin. There is a bit of a herbal, menthol smell, but it’s hardly noticeable unless I stick my nose really close to container.

Apply generously to the bites and surrounding area. This small container can last a long time!

Relieve Mosquito Bites, Thailand

Mosquito Bite ointment to relieve itch.

Easy Itch Relief for Travellers

Saliva ~ Using the body’s own saliva is one of the common and natural ways to self-heal any itches.

Toothpaste ~ one of the best home remedies. Peppermint is said to be the best.

Deodorant ~ I’ve heard of people using their deodorant to sooth bites almost instantly. However, if the deodorant has a sweet or floral scent it just might attract more insects instead.

Coconut Oil ~ So useful in so many ways. Great for injuries (like cuts) and bites. It’s anti-microbial, meaning it kills harmful bacteria and heals bites. Coconut oil is abundant in Thailand, it’s a good option when there’s nothing else around.

Warning: Do not use Tiger Balm!

While some people may suggest to use Tiger Balm (or something similar to), I would recommend against it. I actually made that mistake. Tiger Balm is great for muscle relaxant and stress relief because heating agent in the mixture, but not for solving bug bites and itches.

While the heating effect might seem to temporarily relieve the itch, it’s actually inflaming the bite. The more applied, the more inflamed and itchier as the body attempt to get rid of it.