Ibutama: Ibusuki Limited Express Train

Ibutama, the limited express train...half black and half white.

Ibutama, the limited express train…half black and half white.

To promote tourism and their train system, Kyushu has created six gorgeous interior heritage trains that run as the limited express train in certain prefectures. Tickets for the limited express costs almost up to double the price of a regular local train, but it can help cut down on a lot of travel time.

Going to Ibusuki I had no idea that I actually chose a travel itinerary that included one of the heritage trains. The Ibutama.

Note: Souvenirs on the limited trains are not offered at the train stations or in town, only on the trains.

Inside was gorgeous wooden interior, and very cozy seating. The chairs were spacious and well cushioned, and it’s nice for the lone traveler because it can make singular seating easier. My favorite were the chairs stations looking out of the window (below). This is where I sat for my first ride heading into Ibusuki.

Seats of the Ibutama.

Seats of the Ibutama.


There's also spacious bookshelf arm chairs & couches.

There’s also spacious bookshelf arm chairs & couches.

On the train there was a small counter gift shop/snack bar. They also bring the cart around offering a menu of refreshments (alcoholic and non, I would say try the purple beer) and limited edition souvenirs.

Ibutama's nice wooden interior.

Ibutama’s nice wooden interior.

Speaking of souvenirs, don’t forget to get your free photo-opt! An attendant will come around with a hat and sign. Have your camera ready and just wave her over 🙂

Free souvenir photo-opt on the Ibutama train to Ibusuki.

Free souvenir photo-opt on the Ibutama train to Ibusuki.