Fukuoka International Film Festival

Last week was the 22nd annual Fukuoka International Film Festival. I got a chance to head in on Friday for the opening party, and meet and greet some of the crew (including actors & directors) that worked on this year’s selection of films.

This year, Fukuoka screened 36 films from 15 different countries! I got a chance to see a few of them, and then on Tuesday (Sept 18) the Fukuoka Now Magazine hosted the official film festival party ~ the first opened to the public!

During the wrap up party, I was also given another great opportunity to MC this event with TK, who has been my MC partner since this year’s Canada Day event! The party was held at Canoviano, in Tenjin. A gorgeous restaurant! Though it was a Tuesday night, we got a good crowd through the door 🙂

Before entering, guests got a chance to walk down a red carpet ~ like stars do, and then they had the opportunity to get a souvenir photo taken in front of a Fukuoka Now backdrop.
On the 4th floor was where the main stage, announcements and trivia games happened. Along with DJ Das Funkt that spun all night. Upstairs, on the 5th floor we had a creative band called Gund Tunes that also played all night.
The food and drinks were great, everything was 1-coin (Â¥500)…sadly, I was still trying to get rid of a cough so I never got the chance to try one of their Tirimisu 😦

Fukuoka Internation Film Festival

Fukuoka Internation Film Festival. Photo from Fukuoka Now Magazine, taken by Nobu Tanaka