English Summer Camp: Hockey

Firstt day of one of three English Summer Camp series in Fukuoka, aimed at elementary and junior high school kids. I got accepted to be at all 3 elementary summer camps teaching Canadian Aboriginal Art, and Hockey! Each camp runs for 3 days, and I’m excited to say that I’ll be doing both workshops at some point in time at every camp 😀

Each group gets 20 minutes at each station, which also includes intros & pack up time, so relatively less than 15 minutes to teach what I have to get the kids going.

Teaching Hockey

What could be more Canadian, thank Hockey? Funny enough, for a girl whose never played hockey ~ I faked it like I did! 😉 But I think I’ve watched it enough on TV, and have many friends who play it, that I should have learned something.

English Summer Camp: Teaching Hockey

My sign for my hockey station.

Originally when I was submitting my application for this camp it started with floor hockey. I didn’t think anyone would be interested in it, and I thought it would be difficult to even find the equipment as Japan isn’t a hockey-craze country. Originally, I was going to make hockey sticks out of cardboard tubes and rolled up newspapers ~ which probably wouldn’t last a day… but to my luck one of the office staff managed to find a set online!

English Summer Camp: Teaching Hockey

Hockey sticks set!

Exciting! These will last a long time, even after this year’s summer camps! Getting to the community center we had to put down this green “tarp”, which was a lot like carpet. But it gave the nice effect of field hockey. I decorated my booth with everything Canadian I had. Canadian flags, hockey jerseys, etc. Originally there were color tape that marked the center line, but sadly it wouldn’t hold onto the carpet-tarp. It still turned out great though!

English Summer Camp: Teaching Hockey

My hockey station!

The first 5-7 minutes I had the kids practice passing and shooting, along with “time-out” 😉 . Then, with the help of my lovely assistant, a student studying in Japan from Syria (and also into soccer!) we had the kids play a hockey game.  The feedback and response from the kids were great! Probably the first, and only time they’ll ever play hockey in their life. GOOoooooo CANADA!! 😀

English Summer Camp: Teaching Hockey

Indoor hockey. My net ^^ & Canadian flags ❤

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