Balcony Garden

I really like my balcony. It’s spacious and it has a nice view, but I haven’t been able to get it to how I can sit out there and enjoy it. I’ve tried many times to have a garden and grow my own herbs…but often it wouldn’t work out, or rather, it just didn’t seem enough…

So after 2 years, I’ve finally decided to do something about it. Which is weird, because most likely being my last year here in Japan I can’t believe I decided to do something about it now. But I guess it’s better now than never, and I still have another year here that I have to go out and look at that balcony 😛 .

Balcony Garden in Japan

I searched online for ideas as I slowly gathered pots, soil, and plants. My ideas came slowly together, and I was trying to figure out what to do with the concrete floor. Originally I was going to try and find a bamboo mat, which would have been easier & cheaper…but then I got excited about these squares of artificial grass turf from Daiso (Japanese dollar store).

Balcony Garden, Japan

My original layout of plants, pots, and floor board that belonged to my shower floor. But served a better purpose outside!

I bought a few squares to test it…and I liked the color. I love green, and it gave it a more earth feel which reminded me of home.

As for plants, I bought a Goya (bitter melon) plant, because I love the green curtain look. And for home cooking, I tried to buy all the herbs I could find including: Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary & Sage. I’m quite proud of my blueberry plant, which started as this cute little shrub and now it’s growing to give me fresh & juicy berries :D!

Now, I think I’ve done it! I have it exactly how I want it to be. In a way that I wouldn’t mind sitting out on my patio to have tea, wine, or just to read a book.

Balcony Garden in Japan

My balcony garden in Japan ^^