Kasuya-Machi Fireworks: July 23

During the summer Japan is awesome for festivities. Every town has their own tradition, festivities, fireworks. There’s always something happening, somewhere. For 40 minutes, my town puts on an annual summer firework display at a park not far from my house.

Kasuya Machi Fireworks

Kasuya Machi Fireworks

Awesome view from my balcony! I never knew how convenient my living location was until my neighbor told me that we would be able to see everything easily – Yay! While I sure the experience would have been just as fun over in the park, but this was awesome. Cracked open a bottle of wine and enjoyed the evening with good friends. Ah, summer! 🙂

Kasuya Machi Fireworks

Looks great with wine & company

Canada Day 2011

Time to show the world how Canadians have fun…and that’s riots-less. PEACE!

Canada Day 2011

La Boheme in Tenjin

Canada Day in Fukuoka

Thanks to Fukuoka Now Magazine for putting on a Canada Day party at La Boheme in Tenjin. There was a great show of people that we filled every nook and cranny of the top floor and balcony, then as the night progressed the crowd migrated and filled the restaurant’s second floor.

Canada Day 2011

Canada Day Party by Fukuoka Now Magazine

The first 300 people through the door received a free Canadian beer and Atlantic lobster tail. My friend and I were surprised to find that quite a few people showed up as early as us! :o!!! I guess we weren’t the only ones with lobsters on our minds.

Canada Day 2011

Organic Beer
– brewed and bottled in BC.

Canadian music played all night long, and some that I never knew were Canadian! On the food menu were Salmon wraps, pancakes, and poutine!! French fries, cheese curds and gravy – how can you go wrong with those awesome ingredients… Poutine, how I’ve missed you! Do you know how hard it is to find out / make you in Japan?!?

Poutine in Japan!

There were people dressed up in Canadian gear, or donning the red & white. Woot! Canadian pride all around! Aside from the Canadians themselves, there were many others there who have been to Canada, lived in Canada, are planning to go to Canada or are in love with Canada.
…I’m so proud to be Canadian *sniff*sniff…


Canada Day 2011
Japanese Canuck Fan!
During the day it was awkward to not see Canadian decorations decorate the street or my school – which goes without saying, I’m not in Canada. However, my Vice-Principal made a surprising announcement that it was Canada Day, and throughout the day teachers and students were wishing me “Happy Birthday” (for Canada ^^).
Canada Day 2011
Canada loves you!

Canadian Drinking Contest

During the night they had a Ginger Ale and Beer Drinking contest. Men had to drink two bottles, while girls drank one through a straw. My friend and I joined in the Ginger Ale contest – spicy ginger ale courtesy of Canada Dry…I never knew they had extra spicy?

Canada Day 2011
Preparing to guzzle Ginger Ale.

We didn’t win the grand prize bottle of 100% pure maple syrup, but we still had a lot of fun. Our innards and breath felt really minty-fresh afterwards.

Canada Day 2011
Spicy Ginger Ale, Canada Dry.