Useful iPhone Apps

After working on my next major lesson, the class schedule changed again without me knowing. Sometimes I really wish I was bilingual right now… Now my schedule has been cleared for today, everything is ready for tomorrow so I sat at my desk and began reflecting on last year. Didn’t have much time to do this after new year’s, but there’s no time like the present.

iPhone, I’d be lost without you…
I realized that I use my phone a lot in school. Not that I’d flash or wave it around, I would pick and consider the appropriate times to bringing it out. When teachers schedule their lessons with me I’m punching away on my calendar, communicating with non-English staff it’s slightly concealed in my sleeve, enough that I can see my translated sentences. Or I’m punching in a word that needs translating in conversation.

Thankfully I’m foreign, so I can get away with this…I’m still waiting for someone to tell me to stop. My staff are considerate (thank you!) and understanding that I’m trying to make life easier for everyone, especially my vice-principal. He’s been very patient with me since I’ve been here. He’s seen me at many staff parties, tapping away to translate…
Other teachers enjoy looking over my shoulder to see the magic of what a phone can now do. Technology is a never ending wonder, and will always be the coolest thing on the block.


Useful & Free iPhone Apps

Never knew how attached I’d become to my iPhone. This Smartphone has made my transition to living and working in Japan much easier.Back home I wouldn’t have invested in a Smartphone for a while, because chances are I wouldn’t have greatly needed it. Here, I use it to its fullest extent in almost everything that I do. Aside from checking transit schedules, email, messaging, etc. These are my favorite (free) apps that I’ve found the most useful so far:

CamScanner. My favorite app! It’s been a big help in creating all my activities without bothering other teachers. Take pictures of documents or pictures, select the sections to scan and then convert to a PDF. From here it can be emailed, or uploaded to different sites like Google Docs, Dropbox, etc. Thank you for making all my creations possible!

Kotoba. Japanese dictionary. Helped me a lot when attempting to communicate with anyone and everyone.

Pleco. Helps to easily translate characters by drawing it on the screen.

Foodspotting. This is my yummy app that I thought I’d just share. Used this one a lot when I first arrived. It scans your location for nearby eateries, giving you names, pictures and addresses. I was surprised as to how well it worked in my little area.

Flashlight. Only because when it gets dark outside, so does everything else. School hallways and stairwells are all lights off, and fumbling to find the light switch is sometimes scary. So I’ve found myself using Flashlight a lot this winter.

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